Hi, I'm Shirley

I’m the first in my family to go to college (Harvard and Syracuse) and I’ve done several career pivots to do work that fulfills me with Google, Harvard, UC Berkeley & by launching my own company.

Doing this wasn’t easy because I was raised by a single mother who had four children and came from another country. To top it off, we were broke.

AKA I’ve had to figure out everything on my own and I can't afford to fail.

At the beginning of my career I thought that as long as I had a job I was passionate about and made decent money then I’d be good. That was the case until my dream job turned out to be an overwhelming nightmare that landed me in the hospital.

After some trial and error, I was able to take up painting, start hiking, find a higher paying job with less stress, spend more time with friends, start a business and be a worldwide digital nomad.

Now I’m on a mission to help other women feeling overwhelmed in their jobs or stuck in life to life their lives to the fullest without sacrificing success.

What students are saying

“I had all these mental traps that I fell into that stopped me from being present and froze my productivity.

After being unblocked through this program, my startup, relationship, productivity and motivation combined into a flywheel that gained great momentum. 

I had the confidence, consciousness, and consistency to show up in all aspects of my life. I would recommend this program to others that are at the very start of their self-discovery to get clarity on what they want and also those who need that extra boost to get over specific blocks in their lives like work, love life, etc. 

Even if you have done the cycle of therapy or counseling, Shirley is an amazing supplement to fast track your results. Invest in yourself, and get her as a coach.” 

- John D., CA

“I was extremely depressed and un-confident. Not productive in the slightest and my relationships were strained.

Working with Shirley helped my confidence tremendously. 

My overall wellbeing increased drastically and so many doors opened for me. 

Being coached by Shirley is really like having a personal trainer who is specialized in helping you grow as an individual. She gives you actual tools and homework to achieve your desired goals."

- Kelly N., CA

"Shirley is an amazing supplement to fast track your results."

"...so many doors opened for me"

“I had a horrible diet. Sleepy all the time. Distanced myself from everyone. Was not able to focus. 

It opened my mind and allowed me to let go of things that kept holding me back.

If you need someone to be in your corner Shirley is definitely the person to have. I definitely felt out of my element. But Shirley was able to work with me at my own pace. Making this journey to healing a positive one.” 

- E.L., CA

"Enrolling in Beat Burnout & Start Thriving has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself. I have been trying to address my burnout on my own for over a year and made little progress compared to the progress I made with Shirley during just 2 months. 

After the program, I feel much better equipped to create the life I want, with Shirley’s tools in my proverbial tool belt. 

I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with setting boundaries professionally or personally, with burnout, or simply anyone who needs help in creating a more balanced and purpose-driven life."

- Gaby A., CA

"Before I started the coaching program with Shirley, I was completely burnt out from 10+ years of working at an unsustainable pace and putting unreasonable pressure on myself to be “perfect” in all aspects of my professional and personal life.

Because of the program, I am now more compassionate to myself and proud of who I was, am currently, and am growing into as a person. I’ve also learned how to both be present for those I care about while also prioritizing my needs / what gives me joy. 

I was at a crossroads in life, and knew I needed to take meaningful steps to regain my inner glow and start thriving again.   

Equally as important, I have reconnected with my life purpose and am living in a coherent way aligned with my values. Because of that, I’ve been able to make a critical, empowering decision about the next step of my career. With this new life chapter I'm embarking on, I’m excited for the impact I’ll make and the “healthy hustle” way of living I know that I can create for myself. 
I highly recommend the program for anyone committed to overcoming burnout. I made so much progress in a matter of months (which would have taken me much longer otherwise). This is one of those programs that shows you every investment in your personal development is 100% worth it.”      

-V.S., CA

"I’ve been able to make a critical, empowering decision about the next step of my career." 

“I never thought I needed coaching, but I kept getting overwhelmed and unfocused. 

It wasn’t until I started my sessions with Shirley that I was able to navigate through these emotions so that I could achieve what I wanted to.

If you keep finding yourself up against a wall - Shirley can help you break through it. 

She helps you get to the root of what is blocking you from achieving your goals and gives you tangible, actionable steps & exercises that help you accomplish what you want in life or your career."

-Tessa G., CA

"I never thought I needed coaching..."